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On-Site Generator Fuel & Propane Service

When you’re relying on generators to keep business moving, you can count on Christensen for reliable diesel and propane generator deliveries.

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GENERATOR REFUELING On-Site Generator Fuel & Propane Service When you’re relying on generators to keep business moving, you can count on Christensen for reliable diesel and propane generator deliveries.

Keep The Lights On

Power is critical to your operation —whether you’re running a manufacturing plant, a healthcare facility, or bringing an unforgettable event to life. We know it’s about more than fuel; it’s preserving safety, security, and productivity, 365 days a year.

Power Options & Perks

PRODUCTS Propane Delivery: Perfect for the eco-conscious with cleaner burns and quieter operations. (min 120-gallon tanks) Diesel Delivery: Ideal for enduring the toughest conditions with unwavering reliability. KEY BENEFITS Easy Start: Simply call or contact us to get a delivery scheduled. Prepared for Anything: Be ready for emergencies with our planning and prep services. Fuel Tank Options: Boost your fuel storage flexibly with our rental. Guaranteed Prime and Restart: After refueling, we ensure your cooling units are back up without a hitch, providing peace of mind. Winter-Ready Fuel: Our diesel additives keep your fuel flowing smoothly, even in the coldest conditions No Contracts: We're confident in our service, so we don't tie you down


Propane Delivery

Perfect for the eco-conscious with cleaner burns and quieter operations. (min 120-gallon tanks)


Diesel Delivery

Ideal for enduring the toughest conditions with unwavering reliability.



Easy Start

Simply call or contact us to get a delivery scheduled.


Prepared for Anything

Be ready for emergencies with our planning and prep services.


Fuel Tank Options

Boost your fuel storage flexibly with our rental.


Guaranteed Prime and Restart

After refueling, we ensure your cooling units are back up without a hitch, providing peace of mind.


Winter-Ready Fuel

Our diesel additives keep your fuel flowing smoothly, even in the coldest conditions.


No Contracts

We’re confident in our service, so we don’t tie you down.

Partner with us today!

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Don’t wait until a storm hits to fuel your generators—especially for healthcare and hospice facilities relying on critical power for life-saving devices. Christensen’s Emergency Fuel Management (EFM) program ensures you’re always fueled and compliant with DSHS, Federal, and NFPA 99/110 regulations.


Emergency shelters, pharmaceutical companies, data centers, and financial institutions also qualify for our EFM program, securing priority benefits.

See Benefits

Don't wait until a storm hits to fuel your generators—especially for healthcare and hospice facilities relying on critical power for life-saving devices. Christensen's Emergency Fuel Management (EFM) program ensures you're always fueled and compliant with DSHS, Federal, and NFPA 99/110 regulations. Emergency shelters, pharmaceutical companies, data centers, and financial institutions also qualify for our EFM program, securing priority benefits.

Partner With Us

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