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Value Creation

October 11, 2018

Value Creation - Featured Image

It’s been said that an effective company begins with a vision of what it wants to become and ends with value creation. The Christensen team recognizes that to achieve its envisioned future, long-term value creation is the path it must follow. However, creating real, long-term value is not easy. It requires a system. Fortunately, Christensen has a robust value creation system, which it has intentionally, designed to consistently deliver high levels of team member, customer and shareholder value.

Christensen’s value delivery system is supported by the company’s dynamic and high performing work environment, which promotes personal and team growth, development and meaning. Inside the company, team members engage in free-flowing collaboration based in reality, feedback, accountability and recognition. Team members are empowered with the information and knowledge required to make decisions and make them fast. Within this environment, team members feel a sense of inner freedom, and work literally turns into play as they truly engage in playing the game of business.

Embracing innovation, efficiency and a strong focus on customer relationships, Christensen intentionally designs its systems and processes to create tangible value for its customers. The insights gained from customer relationships are combined with the latest technology to build frictionless links between the company and its customers. The company’s back office systems continuously collect and organize customer data in a way that allows it to effectively qualify sales prospects, establish appropriate customer service levels and translate information gained from customer interactions into mutually
beneficial insights.

Christensen’s value delivery system provides visibility into real-time, performance metrics that it’s front- line managers monitor to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the end-to-end system. The system’s efficiency has the added benefit of elevating the focus of its team members to higher value activities such as developing and implementing innovative solutions that help its customers increase their sales, decrease operating expenses and improve productivity. Finding and occupying the “sweet spot” where team member, customer, and shareholder value converge is not easy, but with the right team and strategy it is achievable. The Christensen team has made this their mission, and they even have a name for it – “Winning Together”

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