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Reduce Your Fleet Fuel Costs: Bring the Gas to You!

March 21, 2024

Reduce Your Fleet Fuel Costs: Bring the Gas to You! - Featured Image

As a fleet-focused company, you’ve likely exhausted all common tricks to save on fuel costs through better driving and maintenance. Let’s skip the small stuff and go big picture – how to prevent substantial, annual loss in inefficient fueling methods.

While fuel costs fluctuate, you can control how your fleets fuel, to get the most value. If you’re still fueling at gas stations, you might be stuck in the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mindset. Embracing innovation is key, as demonstrated by the story of Blockbuster’s decline and eventual bankruptcy when they rejected a partnership with Netflix in 2000. While Blockbuster clung to comfort, their competitors silently evolved around them.


If your fueling methods haven’t evolved since VHS tapes, it’s time for a change. Here are two success stories from Pacific Northwest companies that saved thousands yearly with Christensen’s help.


Starline’s Story: Nighttime Fueling for Daytime Success 

CEO Gladys Gillis of Starline Luxury Coaches in Seattle, Washington, faced “the hot dog margin”, where drivers spent extra time and paid well above the state average pump price in exchange for the station’s genius promotion: free hot dogs for commercial drivers. Her drivers also lost 60 minutes each morning, braving the Seattle traffic to fuel up before picking up clients.  

Starline wanted to streamline operations and start serving customers sooner in the day.  

Christensen provided a custom, dual solution: 


Overnight fleet fueling, or ‘wet hosing’

Our expert fuel drivers fill every bus at the Starline lot so drivers are ready for immediate departure! We go a step further, providing full transparency and powerful data. Our technologies tell Starline the exact amount of fuel that was put into each vehicle in real-time.


Christensen Fleet Cards

Drivers can easily access quick fueling cardlocks around the nation, which also allows them to avoid long fuel lines and maneuver through accident-prone fueling stations. Back at headquarters, our fleet card dashboard provides Starline with real-time monitoring and card controls, fraud prevention, improved cash flow, timesaving, data-rich reports, and invoice benefits, like immediate tax exemptions.

As business owners, we’re really not in it alone, but it’s up to us to choose our teammates. And I’m so glad I chose Christensen.
Gladys Gillis, CEO of Starline
Christensen is a game-changer for us. We can make sure we’re going to the right stations and can watch for fuel theft. Christensen allows our drivers to focus on the most important thing, which is our customers.
Terry Marx, CFO of Starline 

Avalon’s Transformation: From Gas Station Hangouts to On-Site Fueling  

Jerry Frank, Owner of Avalon Landscaping in Meridian, Idaho, coined his issue, “The Breakfast Club”. Every morning, Jerry would find his landscaping crew enjoying sit-down breakfast burritos at the local gas station after fueling their trucks and equipment.

Jerry asked his Christensen rep for his own, “onsite fueling station.” The answer: absolutely! Christensen has been safely installing on-site fuel tanks for decades. We provided guidance on bulk tank placement, ground preparation, and installed several clearly marked fuel tanks for all their needs – unleaded fuel, diesel, and dyed diesel.

With the right-sized tanks and our auto-fill program in place, the Avalon crew has a reliable supply of all the on-site fuels they need to start work immediately. And when the crew needs to refuel miles away, they too, easily access thousands of cardlock stations with Christensen Fleet Cards. Avalon now starts work immediately, and Jerry proudly boasts a one-year ROI on multi-tank installation.

The Breakfast Club is over, but Jerry fosters camaraderie at the regular employee pig roasts, for which he had a vintage covered wagon customized into a full taco bar suited for a professional catering company (it’s very serious).

Knowing Christensen keeps my tanks full is really important because if I don’t have fuel or oil, I can’t operate. You guys are a backbone to my business.
Jerry Frank, Owner of Avalon Landscape

Discover the Christensen Difference  

Christensen is more than just a fuel provider; we’re problem solvers and efficiency experts. We learn your unique challenges to provide new, efficient ways to do business. Our long-term solutions respect both time and company culture, without shortcuts or band-aids. Let us bring balance to your bottom line and business dynamics.


Peace of Mind: Leaders focus on the business, not minor details.  

Revenue-Ready: Employees concentrate on revenue-generating activities. 

Data-Driven: Insights and reporting empower smart decisions. 

Customized Solutions: Tailored to your unique needs. 

Trusted Service: Direct access to your Account Manager, 24/7/365.  

Regional Expertise: Over 40 years of local, hands-on support. 

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